AV8R Case Files

Case File #002 - UFOs Are No Mo'

Episode Summary

Well, this is it. You are hearing it from David Costa, The RenegadeAV8R, first. No more UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects. The government has deemed them no more! But wait until you hear what IS happening with our government and our intelligence community on this issue. On this episode of AV8R Case Files, you will learn about some disturbing things going on with our military that might scare you. You might be concerned to learn that our best AV8Rs are now reporting things that many would consider a threat to our national defense. But remember, they are NOT UFOs. They are no more! Find out in this episode what they are now called. Remember, if you have a strange but true, ghostly or paranormal story about aviation, airplanes, airports, or anything associated with aviation subjects, contact David Costa, The RenegadeAV8R! Want more of the RenegadeAV8R? Please also look for The RenegadeAV8R Show, now in Season 3, wherever you find podcasts!

Episode Notes

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We combine a Jet Airshow Demonstration with The RenegadeAV8R Radio Show.  David Costa is your host of this show that promotes aviation, by bringing guests to you that demonstrate excellence, have overcome great obstacles, or have achieved huge success.  David is also the airshow demo pilot of our TS-11 ISKRA jet.  This jet has served over 50 years in military service with the Polish Air Force.  We are here to inspire and help YOU achieve your dreams in whatever it is that feeds your passion!


RenegadeAV8R.  Copyright 2020.  All music under license with TeknoAXE.com.  Creative licenses on file and available on request.  The RenegadeAV8R Radio Show, all rights reserved.



Episode Transcription

AV8R Case Files #002 - UFOs are No Mo'

OK, well that is it.  UFOs are a thing of the past!  They are done, no more.  Gone forever.  

Welcome, everyone to AV8R Case Files, with me, David Costa.  Case Files #002.  Our new podcast.  Do I sound familiar?  Have you heard me before but just can’t place the voice?  Maybe you should check out my other podcast, The RenegadeAV8R Show, now in Season 3.  


RenegadeAV8R.com where you can find out more about our jet airshow performances, our podcasts, and the other cool stuff that I do like our World Record Jet. com project.  


I told you that UFOs are no more.  They simply do not exist anymore.  Maybe they never existed, to begin with.  You make that determination.  

Why?  You might be asking.  Why? Do they no longer exist?  

Unidentified Flying Objects have captured the attention of many people for a long, long time.  But since this is AV8R Case Files unidentified flying objects are fair game.  They FLY!  So fair game.  

In the past, if you were a pilot and AV8R, and you dared report a UFO then you might not have been allowed in the cockpit again.  People would have thought you to be nuts.  As pilots we tend to want to keep a low profile with the authorities, not draw too much attention to ourselves, and certainly who would want to fly with an AV8R deemed a nut case!  

History is full of reports of pilots who have reported strange things flying in our skies.  Even before man flew, history shows a great deal of evidence of Objets Flying that is Unidentified...you know Unidentified Flying Objects…..UFOs.  So what about you? Have you looked at the sky and seen something strange?  I would LOVE to hear your story.  

Before man even took to the sky there were stories of strange lights, strange objects, strange descriptions of things that people simply did not understand.  They used some very strange ways to describe what they saw.  THOSE stories, for another time maybe. I guess I could have started from the beginning and researched a whole bunch of stories of AV8Rs who have seen UFOs, but what is going on right now is so terrifying to some, that I feel obligated to start on the history of UFOs (from an AV8R perspective) from the present…..I need to start where the UFO saga ends.  

Stay with me.  Follow along.  This will all make sense in a moment.  

What is going on right now has got our government concerned.  So concerned that they have declared UFOs done and over with, started a new government entity, and have renamed what I am going to talk to you about today as “UAP”, Unidentified Arial Phenomenon.  

You might not be paying attention right now.  You might be worried about some virus from Wuhan.  You might be gasping for air wearing your mask.  You might be upset over the election in the USA or delighted by it.  So much has gone on in the last year or so that if you were not paying attention…..you might have missed it.  OR….maybe, just maybe…..the smokescreen was put there to purposely distract you.  


There are things happening in our skies that have the US military concerned.  There are things happening in our skies that have our intelligence authorities concerned.  They are concerned for good reason.  If even one part of the story that I am about to tell you is true, it could have dire consequences for life, as we know it, on this planet.  No joke.  I am going to put a spin on this like you have not heard before.  

Governments are great at lying, hiding the truth or changing the focus.  Take UFOs for example.  The Pentagon’s investigation into UFOs could have scared too many of you.  Little green men, sorry persons….sorry entities…..flying around in “flying saucers” from Mars (you know Mars, the place Elon is headed)....This would just not do.  So what does a government weenie do when they want to hide the truth?  They make up a new acronym!  So the death of the UFO and the birth of the UAP.  

During the last couple of years, the US Department of Defense has been putting a ton of energy into the “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force”....you got it!  IT has an acronym too.  UAPTF.  

Hello, Maam, I am from the UAPTF and I am here to help…..LOL….give me a break….Did you ever see the movie Men In Black?  Maybe these guys are those guys?  Hmmm….I continue.

The UAPTF has been pretty busy over the last couple of years briefing our elected employees (lawmakers), people in the intelligence community and the highest levels of our government and our military on mysterious flying objects that defy any explanation using the science that we know to be true today.  (pause)

Let this sink in for a moment.  

This is not some episode of History Channel’s Ancient Aliens or reading from Eric Von Doniken's book, Chariots of the Gods.  This is happening right now, in full view of YOU, and have you taken note?  

I have not even mentioned the word, “ALIEN” yet.  When you listen to what I am telling you in this episode of AV8R Case Files, it will not even matter!  FACT.  There are things happening in our skies, that real AV8RS have no clue what to make of them, and our best scientists say is far beyond our human level of science and technology.  

What I will share with you today, was observed by some of our best AV8Rs.  Naval Aviators, fighter pilots, nerves of steel, trained observers, and experts in aviation and aircraft.  They were outmatched, outflown and if it came down to it….maybe outgunned.  

From this planet, this dimension, or somewhere else.  We have a whole lot to be concerned about.  As a matter of fact, some in the US Intelligence Community is saying that these UAP represent ‘intelligence of unknown origin”.  I have some quotes from people close to what is happening including a retired General and head of RAND Corporation’s Space Enterprise Initiative.  

What I will present to you will be surprising.  It might be unsettling to some, after all, it has our US military feeling uneasy.  

The Secretary of Defense had this to say regarding the UAPTF that they are looking into situations where “UAPs that could possibly pose a threat to US national security.” Think of the implications here.  Alien or non-alien…..there are things flying around our skies that appear to be exponentially advanced over our current “known” technology.  These briefings included “highly sensitive categories of UFO Investigations.”.  

This is not the first time that our government has conducted investigations into UFO’s (Sorry Dave I can’t do that)....oh my bad, into UAPs.  

Operation Blue Book, which was closed in 1969 is one example that has been the subject of all kinds of controversy and books.  But what you may not have heard of is two other DoD-backed UFO programs (stop Dave)....UAP programs.  The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and The Advanced Aerial Weapons Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP).  

So what does this mean? The first idea is pretty simple.  We want to make sure that someone else does not have better aviation and weapons technology than we do.  OK, that makes sense.  Now, look at it this way, what if one of our F-35 Jet Fighters was able to fly during our Revolutionary War, Civil War or even WWI or WWII?  That is a human to a human comparison just a few years apart.  Imagine what kind of technology we will have in the next few decades let alone in 200 years from today?  Now imagine for a moment, “people” who are thousands of years ahead of us in their development.  Not too strange is it?  Reason for concern?  If they are friends, not really, but what if they are not?  Or what if they don’t like what we are doing?  Think about that for a while.  

Multiple sources have remarked that two classified intelligence reports are “shocking” and not only confined to aerial phenomena.  Obviously, these sources are “hiding their identities”, but are reported to be from the DoD, US Intelligence Agencies, and federal law enforcement.  They all work under the US Director of National Intelligence.  

One of these reports, released in 2018, is said to include details of previous military encounters and an unreleased photograph of “aerial phenomena” categorized as “unidentified”.....Hmmmm….no mention of little green men at the flight controls yet.  

The photo, it has been told, was taken from a cell phone from within the cockpit of an FA-18 Fighter Jet.  According to three officials who have seen the photo?  It showed an “unidentified cube-shaped object”.  The fighter pilot said the cube was hovering at somewhere between 30-35,000 feet and he got within 1000 feet of the “UAP”. 

One intelligence official stated, “In decades with the Intelligence Community I have never seen anything like this.”  Was he referring to the object itself or how it was leaked?  This classified information seemed to go viral. 

You have to love cell phones…..another F-18 US fighter jet recently took a photo, now classified as top secret. It was taken off the East Coast of the US.  A large equilateral triangle with rounded edges and spherical white lights in each corner. Sources say that the photo was taken after this UAP emerged from the ocean and flew straight up out of the water! Many sources have confirmed this incident but these sources are refusing to provide further details.

The US Navy, according to sources, is reporting “fast movers” under our oceans, with speeds in excess of 300 mph!  I even have a new name for what these are called, “Transmedium vehicles”.  This has got to scare the living daylights out of our military.  Our submarine force has long been almost undetectable by our enemies.  Move these subs off the coastline of an enemy and you have first strike nuclear capability that is impossible to stop.  Having vehicles that can fly and fly underwater is a game-changer!  Our military experts are currently unaware that this kind of technology even existed.  So here is the challenge, if you believe the reports.  It DOES exist and WE don’t have it!  Does it matter to you if an alien is flying it or a human from our present?  Scary stuff. 

OK, so people like you and I, want to see CLEAR photos and cool videos on YouTube to give us the evidence that we need in order to believe. The government has other data sources.  Here is another acronym….MASINT. Measurement and Signals Intelligence.  This is also Top Secret but they are not just seeing this stuff from pilot’s cell phones, they are collecting evidence in many ways. 

Many of you may have already seen the videos from the F-18s, that are being referred to as Tic Tac videos?  No?  I will put this stuff up on my website so you can find it easily.  RenegadeAV8R.com.  These videos are actual footage (undisputed and officially released) of UAPs shaped like Tic Tac flying at extremely high speed over the ocean and outmaneuvering our best AV8Rs in the sky.  

Commander David Fravor is a retired US Naval AV8R, was one of the pilots involved in the Tic Tac UAP incident.  You can find his videos on my RenegadeAV8R website.  This 2004 incident is still yet to be explained and the camera footage is astounding to watch.  Take a look at it and make up your own mind.  You can also search for his interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News.  

Here are some quotes from Commander Fravor:

Fravor recounted the perplexing encounter in a podcast interview with Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientist Lex Fridman.

“This is not like, ‘we saw it and it was gone’, or ‘I saw lights in the sky and it’s gone’ – we watched this thing on a crystal clear day with four trained observers,” Fravor recalled.

The ex-pilot said that any time he tried to get close to the object it rapidly accelerated and was gone in less than a second. “I remember telling the guy in my back seat, ‘Dude, I dunno about you but I’m pretty weirded out.’”

After landing, Fravor mentioned the UFO to a colleague, Chad Underwood, who successfully located the unidentified phenomena only for it to jam his radar. “He’s telling the radar, ‘Staredown the line of sight, whatever is there I want you to grab it and build a trace file on it,’ which will tell you where it is, how fast it is and the direction that it’s going,” Fravor explained to Fridman.

“The radar is smart enough that when the signal comes back if it’s been messed with, it will tell you – it will give you indications that it’s being jammed …. It’s being jammed into about every mode you can see … You can tell it’s being jammed,” he added.

Fravor reports that recordings of his interviews with his chain of command have gone,”missing”. 

There has been a lot of conversation surrounding the USS Nimitz and its experiences with these Tic Tac UFO….UAPs.  Former Deputy Assistant to Secretary of Defense and Intelligence, Chris Mellon

The unknown craft performs at incredible speeds. In the case of the 'Tic Tac' video recorded by the jet from the USS Nimitz, "anything we know of would have been ripped apart under the stresses and forces of acceleration," Mellon pointed out. It's theoretically possible, Mellon continued, to modify space-time in the local vicinity of an object, so that occupants aboard such a craft wouldn't experience the effects of such extreme acceleration. He also discussed so-called "meta-materials," claimed to come from a UFO crash site, and how TTSA is conducting ongoing tests on the sample, looking for isotopic anomalies. 

Adding another intriguing twist to this latest development surrounding the videos is that they apparently should still be classified. "the Navy has not released the videos to the general public." The Navy has also not come out and said that they are fake on otherwise doctored.  This odd addendum will undoubtedly further fuel the considerable speculation and heated debate that has been unfolding in UFO circles over the last several months with regards to the provenance of the pieces of footage as well as how and why they wound up being revealed to the world in the first place.

Of course and as expected, the government has little to say officially.  Did you expect something different? But the mission of UAPTF is to “detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to the US national security.”

Some have asked a question if all this was our own government playing tricks with or testing our own military with some new technology.  In an interview with TheBrief.org where you can find their article on this subject, General Bruce McClintock, US Air Force and White House Fellow to George W Bush, “It is unlikely that the US Government would intentionally conduct tests against its own unwitting assets”.  “To do so would require a very high level of coordination and approval for the potential safety and operational security risks.”

Look, I get it. I know military people who have been involved with testing highly classified technology past and present.  There were airplanes like the A-12 (SR-71) you can search my RenegadeAV8R show and find two episodes on these jets.  There were airplanes like the stealth fighter that was kept secret for many years even though we flew these every night!  Even the families of these pilots had no clue what they were up to….the public first saw the Stealth Fighter during the Iraq war.  So we all KNOW that there is a vastly advanced technology in the works with our military right now, today.  Stuff that would blow our minds.  We also know that our enemies are working extremely hard to one-up us.  So who knows.  But I do know that what we are seeing right now is orders of magnitude above what our current technology suggests.  

You should be concerned.  Our government is.  From these recent responses to the FOIA on UAP, this kind of thing has been going on for 16 years and no answers?  Do you believe that?  What are you NOT being told?  

There is a bunch of crazy stuff going on in our nation right now.  Nothing seems to be as we expect.  COVID, Screwy elections, seemingly stupid decisions.  All at the same time that our Congress and other military leaders are being briefed on UAP.  

Some people are stepping up on their own.  

With this summer’s revelation that the US Navy considers UFOs and “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAPs) to be real, a team of venture capitalists, university professors, and military veterans are launching a project to track UFOs off the coast of California.

UAP eXpeditions is a non-profit group based in Oregon that will “field a top-notch group of uber-experienced professionals providing the public service of field testing new UAP related technologies.” With some of the Silicon Valley UFO Hunters, UAP eXpeditions will pioneer the ability to predict, find, observe, and document UAP for study and analysis. They will use “classical observation techniques, by trained observers and scientists, while using the latest experimental technologies—in the right places and the right times,” Kevin Day, the group’s founder and CEO, wrote in a Facebook post viewed by Motherboard.

SOCAL Mission Statement: 

The USS Nimitz Strike Group encountered numerous UAP in the SOCAL Naval Operating Areas in December 2004. The well-documented incident involved numerous eyewitness accounts from pilots, radar operators and technicians. In total, approximately 100 UAP objects were observed flying in small formations of five to ten objects each. The successive formations of craft were initially detected in the vicinity of Catalina Island and were tracked by the USS Princeton’s SPY-1 radar, then fading from radar coverage in the vicinity of Guadalupe Island. The formations of craft maintained 28,000 feet at a rate of 100 knots. When approached by several F/A-18 Superhornets vectored in from the Nimitz, the objects were observed to behave like “some super capable flock of birds,” acting as though they simply wanted to be left alone as they “migrated” south.

Reports from people with knowledge of what is going on have indicated that these tic tacs operate with intelligence.  

Now, as if all THIS was not enough to scare you, THIS from a retired Israeli General!



The former head of Israel's space security program has sparked worldwide headlines following a shocking interview in which he claimed that humans have made contact with aliens and that their existence has been kept secret at the behest of a Galactic Federation of extraterrestrials. The wild assertions were reportedly made by Haim Eshed in a piece published this past Friday by the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot. In the interview, the retired general who is now an esteemed professor told a reporter that the United States and Israel have been in contact with ETs for quite some time.

Eshed went on to say that "there is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here." Part of that unsettling pact, he said, includes a secret underground base on Mars which is staffed by a team of ETs and Americans. Remarkably, Eshed revealed that President Trump had been poised to reveal this information to the public, but was thwarted when the 'Galactic Federation,' which presumably governs intelligent species in the galaxy, intervened and requested that such disclosure not occur. Their reasoning, he explained, was that "humanity isn't ready" and that mass hysteria could unfold if the veil of secrecy was lifted.

As for when such a disclosure might occur, he somewhat vaguely indicated that the Galactic Federation "have been waiting until today for humanity to develop and reach a stage where we will understand, in general, what space and spaceships are." While the entire tale shared by Eshed sounds like the fantastic theorizing of a UFO enthusiast or a conspiracy buff, his stature as the former head of Israel's space security program for a whopping thirty years gives the account an undeniable air of credibility. He credited changing attitudes within academia for his decision to go public with these revelations.

"If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized," he mused, "today, they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards; I am respected in universities abroad, where the trend is also changing." As one might imagine, Eshed's statements have prompted many to seek comment or confirmation from the Israeli government or military, but neither has offered any response as of yet. That said, it would appear the interview was not the end of the retired general's intergalactic whistleblowing as he has apparently published a book in which he tells the world more about this purported contact with aliens, including how they have prevented nuclear wars in the past.



Oh, and you have heard about the MONOLITHS?  Ever watch 2001 A Space Odessy?  

(I am not even going to get started in that direction this late in the show).  

Here is what I will say to all of this.  Clearly, some of these “sightings” are explainable.  Clearly, some of these “sightings” are mistakes.  Clearly, some of these sightings are “hoaxes”. But just follow my logic for one second.  If one of these, only one of these stories is true if one only one of these sighting of an alien vehicle is true, what does that mean?  It means that civilizations outside of this planet exist.  That AV8Rs need to be only earth-based.  Think about it.  Does that spin your gyros, or have you expected it all along and are just waiting for Captain Kirk to beam down.

We are already getting requests for shows and even phone calls with people’s own stories.  First, requests.  I have gotten requests from the ladies on AV8R True Crime.  Why do ladies like true crime so much?  I am NOT touching that one….but I am looking for this topic right now for an upcoming episode.  And those of you calling in with cool stories of your own?  Thanks!  We are always looking for new content so there are two ways to reach out to me.  First.  Dial, 888-366-5256.  You are probably listening to this podcast on your phone right now!  Just dial 888-366-5256 and leave me a message.  Don’t worry, I will not pick up.  It is a listener (fan) message line.  Leave a message and if you want me to contact you back, then give me your contact information.  

You can also visit RenegadeAV8R.com reach me that way.  RenegadeAV8R.com 

So there you have it.  UFOs are no Mo!  Long live UAPs, let’s hope they are just a bunch of aviators having fun and having their ET Airshow for fun, not to kick out asses!  

Time is up…..(alien noises)......Time for me to wrap up the show.  (Stop Dave……).  Until next time, with the AV8R Case Files, the darker side of aviation.  This IS David Costa, in the air with my TS-11 ISKRA jet coming to an airshow near you and ON AIR with both of my podcasts.  I AM THE RENEGADEAV*R, SEE YA!